We provide our customers with the knowledge and expertise to drastically improve their health. Our revolutionary concept consists of a wide range of hands-on therapeutic techniques and lifestyle amendments, specifically designed and curated for each individual. Health education, and natural treatments are uniquely combined to create our modern and results focused holistic healthcare solution.
Luther was DEBILATED… until he tried THIS! Watch the video to find out more Luther’s story and how our team at ICAHT helped to rehabilitate this shoulder injury. “I couldn’t believe at ICAHT Leicester ” Luther Treated at ICAHT Leicester
We are the leading training provider of professionally accredited CPD training in the field of Cupping Therapy, Chiropractic and Advanced Naturopathic Therapeutic Techniques in the UK.
Since 2013, we have been providing the highest quality of clinically accredited educational services and seminars on both a national and international level. From Live CPD seminars designed for health professionals to in house staff training and clinical internships as part of our blended learning full practitioner certification program.
We have worked with professional organisations including Public Health England, The Ministry of Health India and Federal Regulatory Councils in the UK in order to facilitate the safe administration of the practice.
Whether you are a qualified practitioner looking to expand your knowledge base and services or an ambitious individual looking for a career change, we are here to help. Our team of qualified health professionals and educators ensures the training we provide is of the highest standard and based on clinical, rational and medical science. Due to the close nature of our nature of our mentorship program and our commitment to generating only the Highest Quality Practitioners we are selective of who we work with. We have developed a simple yet effective student selection process to ensure that our course is the right course for our applicants and that our accepted applicants are the right students to represent our institute as graduate practitioners.
This is what makes our program effective is we have a comprehensive selection and training for our students.
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